Asynchronous JavaScript for Beginners

11 min readJun 1, 2023


Imagine a chef working in a busy restaurant kitchen. In a synchronous kitchen, the chef would prepare one dish at a time, waiting for each dish to finish cooking before starting the next one. This can be slow and inefficient, especially when many orders are in the queue. In an asynchronous kitchen, however, the chef could work on multiple dishes simultaneously, checking on each one periodically and adjusting the cooking times as necessary.

This allows the chef to fulfill orders quickly and ensures that customers receive their food as soon as possible. Similarly, asynchronous programming enables computer programs to perform multiple tasks concurrently, resulting in faster and more efficient execution.

JavaScript is single-threaded, which means that only one line of code can be executed at a time.

This can be beneficial for performance, as it allows for more efficient use of resources, but it can also be a limitation when dealing with complex tasks that require multiple threads of execution.

In this tutorial, we’ll go over the asynchronous components of JavaScript.

What is asynchronous Javascript?

Asynchronicity means that if JavaScript has to wait for an operation to complete, it will execute the rest of the code while waiting.

Note that JavaScript is single-threaded. This means that it carries out asynchronous operations via the callback queue and event loop.

In synchronous JavaScript, each function is performed in turn, waiting for the previous one to complete before executing the subsequent one. Synchronous code is written from top to bottom.

The nature of JavaScript and why async programming is required

JavaScript is single-threaded and has a global execution context, as we learned earlier.

As a result, by design, JavaScript is synchronous and has a single call stack. Code will be executed in a last-in, first-out (LIFO) order in which it is called.

To understand what synchronous JavaScript means, let us consider the code snippet below.

//synchronous javascript
console.log("synchronous.");console.log("synchronous javascript!")console.log("synchronous again!")

If we go ahead and run the above code, we get:

"synchronous javascript!"
"synchronous again!"

This shows that synchronous JavaScript runs from top to bottom, as we can observe the console running the function linearly from top to bottom.

With the code above, the console first logs synchronous to the terminal, then synchronous javascript! and synchronous again!. This is an example of synchronous JavaScript since the program executes code in the order it is written.

Async programming is vital because it allows multiple processes to run concurrently without interfering with the main thread.

This is significant because the main thread is in charge of managing the call stack, which is a data structure that holds the current sequence of function calls.

Blockage of the main thread leads to decreased performance because async programming permits the main thread to stay unblocked, and additional tasks can be completed while the asynchronous task is ongoing.

Let’s look at a JavaScript function call called the setTimeout() function, which allows us to run javascript code after a certain amount of time.

After the specified time, the setTimeout() method executes a block of code. The method only runs the code once.

To work with the setTimeout() function, we need to use an arrow function that is present in ES6, as shown below:

//Asynchronous Javascript
setTimeout(function, milliseconds);

These are the parameters:

  1. function: a function that includes a code block.
  2. milliseconds: the time it takes for the function to be executed

To explain this, let’s look at the code below:

setTimeout(() =>
console.log("asynchronous javascript!"), 3000);
console.log("asynchronous again!");

The code above won’t run synchronously on the JavaScript engine, in contrast to our prior example.

Let’s look at the output displayed below:

// asynchronous.
// asynchronous again!
// asynchronous javascript!

Step 1: The first line of code will be executed, logging the string asynchronous to the console.

Step 2: The setTimeout method is invoked, which will execute the anonymous function after 3 seconds (3,000 milliseconds). The anonymous function will log asynchronous javascript! to the console.

Step 3: The third line of code will be executed, logging the string asynchronous again! to the console.

Step 4: After 3 seconds, the anonymous function from the setTimeout method will be executed, logging asynchronous javascript! to the console.

In other words, with asynchronous JavaScript, the JavaScript doesn’t wait for answers before continuing to execute subsequent functions.

This is useful for applications that require a lot of processing power since it permits numerous tasks to be completed at the same time.

Techniques for writing asynchronous JavaScript

JavaScript can behave in an asynchronous way. Let’s have a look at some techniques that are useful for asynchronous JavaScript:

We will discuss:

  • promises
  • async/await
  • callbacks

Callbacks: this allows for asynchronous code to be written in a synchronous fashion.

Promises: writing asynchronous JavaScript code is made easy with promises. They enable you to create code that runs after a predetermined period of time or when a predetermined condition is satisfied.

Async/await: async/await is a more recent technique for creating asynchronous JavaScript code. It helps you write more succinct and readable code that will execute after a set period of time or when a set condition is met.


In JavaScript, functions are first-class citizens. Therefore, you can pass a function to another function as an argument. By definition, a callback is a function that executes after the outer code call has finished running. It is supplied as an input to another function. When a function has completed its purpose, it is utilized to enable it to invoke another function.

Let’s take a look at the code example below:

function incrementDigits(callback) {

The incrementDigits( ) function takes another function as a parameter and calls it inside. This is valid in JavaScript and we call it a callback. So, a function that is passed to another function as a parameter is a callback function.

In order to carry out asynchronous actions in JavaScript, such as executing an AJAX request or anticipating a user click, callbacks are widely utilized. Having learned about the setTimeout() function in the previous section, You can also write callback functions as an ES6 arrow function, which is a newer type of function in JavaScript:

setTimeout(() => {
console.log("output is initiated after 5 seconds");
}, 5000);

The setTimeout() method is being used in this code to postpone the execution of a function. It will log the string output is begun after 5 seconds to the console using the function, which in this case is an arrow function. The provided delay is 5,000 milliseconds (or 5 seconds). After the asynchronous operation is complete, the callback function is invoked with the operation’s result.

function incrementDigits(num, callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
if (num < 10) {
incrementDigits(num, callback);
} else {
}, 1000);
incrementDigits(0, function() {

This code is an example of callback hell. It is a recursive function that calls itself until the number is greater than 10. Then, it executes the callback function. The setTimeout() function is used to delay the execution of the code in order to simulate a longer process. The function will print out each number, starting at 0, until it reaches 10, and then the done! message will be printed out. As a result, the code can run asynchronously, which means that the functions can run concurrently rather than waiting for one another to complete. We have already seen how to create an asynchronous callback in the previous section.

How asynchronous functions and callbacks corks under the hood

When an asynchronous function encounters the term awaits, it stops execution until the promise is resolved, while an asynchronous callback is a higher-order function that executes the asynchronous callback function in a non-blocking way. While a promise is fixed, the asynchronous function stops its execution.

We can write asynchronous functions as if they were synchronous (executed sequentially) with the use of await, which stops execution until the promise is resolved (execution successful).

Handling callback hell

In JavaScript, the way to create a callback function is to pass it as a parameter to another function and then call it back after the task is completed.

There are ways to handle callbacks.

  1. Use of promise: a promise can be generated for each callback. When the callback is successful, the promise is resolved, and if the callback fails, the promise is rejected.
  2. Use of async-await: asynchronous functions are executed sequentially with the use of await; execution stops until the promise is revolved and function execution is successful.


An async promise operation’s eventual success or failure is represented as a JavaScript object. It enables the creation of asynchronous code that works and appears synchronous. A promise, in our context, is something that will take some time to do. A promise has three possible states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected.

An asynchronous operation is still in progress while a promise is still unfulfilled. promise fulfillment indicates the successful completion of an asynchronous operation. Using the promise constructor, you could make a promise in the following way:

let promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// create a new promise to resolve or reject

The constructor function takes a function as an argument. This function is called the executor function.

// Promise constructor as an argument
function(resolve, reject) {
// doSomethingHere

The executor function takes two arguments, resolve and reject. Your logic goes inside the executor function, which runs automatically when a new promise is created and processes the code as follows:

Step 1: A new promise is created using the promise constructor and two arguments, resolve and reject.

Step 2: The `.then()“ method is called on the promise, which takes two callback functions, one for if the promise is resolved and one for if the promise is rejected.

Step 3: The first callback function will be executed if the promise is successfully resolved, while the second callback function will be executed if the promise is rejected.

Successful call completions are indicated by the resolve function call, and a rejected promise indicates that the asynchronous operation has failed.

Converting a callback to a promise

To convert a callback to a promise, the first step is to create a new promise object. The promise constructor takes two arguments: a function to which two parameters, resolve and reject, are passed.

When an asynchronous operation succeeds, the resolve function is called, and when the operation fails, the reject function is called. The callback is invoked within this function, and the result is passed to the resolve or reject function, depending on the outcome of the operation. The promise object is returned after the callback has been activated so that it can be used in subsequent processing.

By converting callbacks to promises, developers are able to write code that is more concise and easier to understand.

const incrementDigits = num => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (num < 10) {
} else {
}, 1000);
incrementDigits(0).then(res => console.log(res));

Promises are used in this code to carry out an asynchronous operation. Through a technique called promise chaining, promises are a clever way to address issues caused by callback hell.

With less code and simpler techniques, you can use this method to sequentially retrieve data from multiple endpoints. The code above creates a function called incrementDigits() which takes an argument of num (assumed to be a number). It then makes a new promise and passes it two arguments, resolve and reject (both of which are functions).

The next steps are to set a one-second timeout, add one to the value of num, log the new value of num, and, if num is less than 10, resolve the promise and call the function once more with num as an argument. The promise is fulfilled and the string "done!" is logged if the value of num is greater than 10. Finally, the promise is called, and the result is logged.

To manage the promise and return the result of the incrementDigits()asynchronous operation, use the .then()` method. If an error condition arises inside a promise, you “reject” the promise by calling the reject() function with an error. To handle a promise rejection, you pass a callback to the catch()function.

Promise handler methods

These handlers are simple functions that help to create the link between the executor and the consumer functions so that they can be in synchronization when a promise is resolved or rejected. Instead of just returning the value, however, we return an object that contains this data.

The major promise handler methods are:

  • .then()
  • .catch()
  • .finally()

There are other promise handler methods as well, such as .all(), which creates a single promise that resolves once all of the promises in an array have been fulfilled, and .race(), which creates a single promise that resolves or rejects as soon as one of the promises in an array has been fulfilled, respectively.


In the section above, we already saw how to create an asynchronous callback.

The use of await, which halts execution until the promise is fulfilled, allows us to write asynchronous functions as though they were synchronous (executed sequentially). Async/await is a technique for building asynchronous code that looks and behaves like synchronous code. It enables you to construct code that appears to run in sequence but operates asynchronously.

This function simplifies the reading and writing of code that employs asynchronous operations. Async/await is a JavaScript technology that allows you to create asynchronous code more synchronously. Similar to callbacks, chaining promises together can become quite clumsy and confusing. For this reason, async and await were developed.

Async functions are defined as follows:

const newAsyncFunc = async () => {};

The await keyword can then be used inside of this async function to instruct it to wait for something:

const result = asyncFunc();
const asyncFunc = async() => {
const result = await asyncFunc();

To perform an asynchronous operation, the incrementDigits() function can be written using asynchronous functions and the async/await idiom.

// Example using async/await
const incrementDigits = async num => {
if (num < 10) {
await incrementDigits(num);
} else {
return 'done!';
(async () => {
const res = await incrementDigits(0);

The async/await syntax is used in this code fragment to increment a number until it reaches 10. The async keyword, which comes before the declaration of the incrementDigits() function, denotes that a promise will be returned by the function.

Then, to halt the incrementDigits() function’s execution until the promise is fulfilled, the await keyword is used. When the promise is resolved, the code following the await keyword will be executed.

Error handling in asynchronous JavaScript

Errors can be coding errors made by the programmer, input errors, or other unforeseeable things.

Error handling in asynchronous JavaScript involves try/catch blocks, which are used in JavaScript to catch any mistakes that might happen throughout the asynchronous process.


A try statement lets you test a block of code for errors.

A catch statement lets you handle that error. For example:

alert("This is an error function!")

Including a .catch() method at the conclusion of the asynchronous action will enable the management of any potential errors.

A catch block can have parameters that will give you error information. Generally, the catch block is used to log an error or display specific messages to the user. Now that the `incrementDigits()“ asynchronous function has an error handler function, we can include it as follows:

const incrementDigits = async num => {
if (num < 10) {
await incrementDigits(num);
} else {
return 'done!';
} catch (err) {
(async () => {
const res = await incrementDigits(0);


In this post, we explored asynchronous JavaScript, examined the internal workings of the JavaScript asynchronous functions, and learned how to build asynchronous JavaScript using promises and async/await. We have seen that callbacks are simple functions passed to other functions and are only executed when an event is completed.

When dealing with time-consuming processes like network queries or file operations, asynchronous JavaScript is especially helpful. By carrying out these activities in an asynchronous manner, the computer can run other pieces of code while it waits for the results, increasing resource efficiency and speeding up execution.

Asynchronous programming is also essential for handling interactions and events in contemporary web development. It enables programmers to react quickly to user events without causing the user interface to halt/slow.

Asynchronous programming techniques enable the seamless loading of data in the background while the user interacts with the interface, ensuring a responsive and engaging user experience. Asynchronous programming is becoming more and more important due to the rise of single-page applications and the need for smooth user interactions.

For further learning, here are some resources on asynchronous JavaScript.

Originally published at on June 1, 2023.




Written by Semaphore

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